Deliverance is freedom. It's being set free from the bondage of the enemy by the love of Jesus and the power of His Holy Spirit. This process and timing occurs when you bring your agreement in alignment with the Will of God. Deliverance can happen with a release of demonic oppression from your mind, your soul, and your body and often happens in conjunction with healing from trauma and soul wounds.

It's not scary, it's beautiful!

The enemy is a liar, convincing many Christians that his bondage is just "who they are." If your life isn’t bearing the fruits of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control—it’s likely the enemy is at work. Trauma healing and deliverance are an outreach of the love and mercy of God to restore you and set you fully free! It’s God’s response to the cries of His children. You weren’t born to be tormented, and your difficult life circumstances were never meant to be your prison. YOU are worthy of Jesus’ love and the freedom He paid for. You are worthy of heaven’s rescue mission (Luke 4:18). ...My heart is to empower you to encounter His love in a life-changing way. When healing and freedom happen, it’s truly breathtaking.

– Tempal Grace

    Identity leads to authority. Who are you? Who does God say you are? Knowing your God-given identity gives you confidence, awareness and authority to operate in your God-given purpose. Destiny happens when your purpose is fulfilled.


    Truth is not something manufactured by people. The truth exists. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Until we realize that each of us are spiritual beings living inside a earthly body, we are at a disadvantage. Once we learn the truth, we can partner with the Holy Spirit and fight the wars that wage against us, experiencing peace. The kind of peace that surpasses logic (Philippians 4:7).



    There is a real enemy of your soul that has a real agenda against you (Matthew 10:28). This enemy wants to become your identity and separate you from God. He comes only to steal, kill, and destroy in whatever way he can (John 10:10). But what you’ve been through matters to Jesus, and inner healing is key to finding freedom. Hell was never meant for God’s children, including any kind of "hell"—whether mental, physical, spiritual, or emotional (John 10:10). Learning to engage with the Holy Spirit as your comforter ensures that your life’s experiences no longer become opportunities for the enemy to torment you.